Taw qhia rau Cov Lus Qhia Lus Askiv - Yooj Yim Lus German thiab Lus Askiv Grammar Cov Lus Qhia

Seem no muaj kev qhia thiab cov ntsiab lus yooj yim rau cov pib tshiab lossis pib hauv tebchaws German. Cov ncauj lus teev hauv qab no hauv kev txiav txim, qib siab dua tau nce toj mus rau hauv qab.

Rau cov neeg uas tau ua tiav tag nrho cov ncauj lus hauv qab no, peb qeb tom ntej yog ntu German ntu thiab Kab Ke. Txhua yam ntawm lub ncauj lus hauv qab no tau npaj los ntawm almancax cov kws qhia, thiab kev txhawb nqa kuj tseem muaj rau ntawm almancax kev sib tham.

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons COV LUS QHIA TXOG KEV QHIA TXOG GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons GERMAN ALPHABET (DAS DEUTSCHE ALPHABET)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons HNUB NTAWM LUB HLI HAUV GERMAN (WOCHENTAGE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons HLI THIAB SEASONS RAU HAUV GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons GERMAN COUNTRIES (ORDINALIZAHLEN)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons PIV TXWV NTAWM TUS NEEG TSIS TAU THIAB COV NUMBERS LOJ

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TIV THAIV RAU GERMAN NUMBERS

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons Npe hauv GERMANY (SUBSTANTIVE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TUS KHEEJ PRONOMINE HAUV GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ARTICLES HAUV GERMAN (ARTICLE - GESCHLECHTSWORT)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NQI KHOOM NYOB RAU HAUV GERMAN (BESTIMMTE ARTICLE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons UNKNOWN ARTICLES HAUV GERMAN (UNBESTIMMATE ARTICLE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ARTICLES NTAWM SIV HAUV GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons COV TSWV YIM RAU COV KHOOM UA SI HAUV GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TUS NAB NPAWB NTAWM NUMBERS HAUV GERMAN (PLURAL)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons COV NUMBERS NTAWM LUB TEB CHAWS NYOB HAUV LUB TEB CHAWS

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TSEV NEEG HOLETS HAUV GERMAN (DEKLÄ°NATÄ°ON DER SUBSTANTÄ°VE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NPE HAUV GERMAN-I HALI (AKKUSATIV)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons RAWS LI QHOV NYOB HAUV GERMAN-A HALI (DATÄ°V)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons LUB NPE HAUV GERMAN -IN HALI (GENITIV)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TUS KHEEJ LUB SIJ HAWM NYOB HAUV LUB QHIA TXOG KEV TXHEEB THIAB TXAWV LOS

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TIMELINE HAUV GERMANY (TUS TSWV TSEV)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ADVERTISEMENTS THIAB KEV KAWM HAUJ LWM HAUV GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons KEV KHO MOB NEEG TSIS TXAUS SIAB RAU LUB NPE HAUV GERMAN

Koj kuj tseem nyiam cov no
Qhia lus (5)